Assessment and Dashboard

QExporting is a professional self-assessment and auditing platform designed to assist firms of all sizes and industries to conduct a detailed step-by-step self-assessment of their status and competencies for the internationalization and exporting of their tangible and intangible products or services. This assessment is at the firm or team level (not individuals). This platform provides valuable insights into firms’ strengths and weaknesses in exporting, helping them identifying areas for improvement and take the necessary steps to become more successful in the international marketplace.

qexporting dashboard
qexporting unbiased tool

Our unbiased tool is based on extensive professional and theoretical studies, analysis and benchmarking of business export performance and is developed by a team of subject matter experts in the field of international business, marketing and exporting.

What you need to do is: create your firm account and add basic information and answer self-assessment question to enable the system to measure your current status. Your interactive dashboard illustrates your firm’s export capabilities and competencies through various dimensions and sub-dimensions.

exporting firm registration

List of Main Dimensions/Constructs

By subscribing on the platform, you are able to see the details of all your export dimensions from export marketing strategy to export assistance and resources.