Service Cancelation

  1. Cancelation and Refund Policy
    1. For details on our refund and cancellation policies, please refer to the information below. Please note that our policies may differ between offerings, and payment options may vary. Please also note that we treat violations of our Terms of Use and Honor Code very seriously, and we have no obligation to offer refunds to users who violate these or other QExporting policies, even if their requests are made within the designated refund period. Similarly, we have no obligation to offer late refunds to users who do not receive a passing mark in a Content Offering, or who are otherwise unsatisfied with their final grade.
    2. One-time Services
      • Personalized Projects
        QExporting does not offer refunds for payments made for personalized projects.
      • Training
        Once you have earned a training certificate with your payment, you are not eligible for a refund even if it is within 14 days. If you do not earn your training certificate within 180 days, your registration will expire and you will need to pay to re-enroll for the training.
      • Networking
        QExporting does not offer refunds for payments made for networking connections.
      • Analytics & Reporting
        QExporting does not offer refunds for payments made for analytics & reports once the customer gets the final report. If given one month notice QExporing reserves the right to make only a partial refund to the customer, which will be determinative based on the price of the report.
      • Consulting & Advisory services
        Consulting & Advisory services are charged on specific individual company's needs. Once the sessions have been delivered there will be no refund for payments made.
      • E-Commerce
        QExporting reserves all rights not to refund any free that was changed as part of sales made over our page, for your own products/services, whether they are produced in Qatar or overseas, and connect with potential clients to expand your business.
        Unless otherwise indicated as part of the sign-up process, you have one year after you subscribe to a specialization to complete the specialization.
    3. Specialization Subscriptions
      • Refunds for Trials
        To avoid being charged during a free trial period, you must cancel your subscription before your free trial ends. If you complete training during the free trial period, QExporting reserves the right to require you to pay for a training subscription to receive a training and/or specialization certificate.
      • Cancellation
        Your subscription will continue yearly unless and until you cancel or the subscription is suspended or discontinued by QExporting. If you cancel your subscription, the cancellation will be effective at the end of the current yearly period. You will continue to have access to your subscription for the remainder of that period, but you will not receive a refund. For subscriptions to individual specializations, QExportng will automatically discontinue your subscription at the end of the period during which you earn a certificate for the specialization.
    4. Changes to Price and Subscription Plans
      We reserve the right to change our subscription plans or adjust pricing for our service or any components thereof in any manner and at any time as we may determine in our sole and absolute discretion. Except as otherwise expressly provided for in these Terms, any price changes or changes to your subscription plan will take effect following notice to you.

Affiliations & Clients

Useful and Effective Resources


How to export from Qatar abroad

In order to start your exporting journey from Qatar you will need the following documents …

Developing Your Export Strategy: Five Things Every Exporter Should Know

Developing Your Export Strategy: Five Things Every Exporter Should Know

In order to start your exporting journey from Qatar you will need the following documents …

Why does my business need an EORI number?

Why does my business need an EORI number?

In order to start your exporting journey from Qatar you will need the following documents …

Qatar Exporting Guides

  1. In order to export from Qatar, all companies must acquire a commercial registration by enrolling with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) for trading purposes. Those who want to import and export commercial products are required to be listed in the Register of the MCI, and also become member of the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCC).

Qatar Exporting Guides

Latest Exporting News

November 1, 2022

A new study has highlighted how UK exports have suffered a big hit in the wake of leaving the EU. ...

November 6, 2022

The majority of exporters in the UK don’t understand the principles behind the government’s future ...

November 6, 2022

Data from Dublin Port has shown how trade volume into Great Britain has fallen since Brexit, ...

Subscription Packages and Benefits

Training Only

Training Platform Only

$699 USD

for first year ($99 for Annual Renewal)
  • All site information and guidelines
  • All training packages, training modules and lessons
  • Official certificate for completing a training package
  • For consulting and other services, there will be a separate charge


(Assessment, Dashboard, Trainings)

$999 USD

for first year ($99 for Annual Renewal)
  • All site information and guidelines
  • All training packages, training modules and lessons
  • Comprehensive dashboard
  • Assessment tool and report of your competencies
  • Official certificate for completing a training package
  • For consulting and other services, there will be a separate charge

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